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While working as a Regional Director overseeing Pfizer's Clinical Trials for the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine, I witnessed:


  • Staff Falsifying and Fabricating Data.


  • Serious Adverse Events that were not logged correctly, or not logged at all.


  • Employees that were supposed to be overseeing the trials,  enrolled themselves as well as family members into the trial.​


  • Forged Signatures on the Informed Consent Forms of Participants (signed by staff members).


  • And other scientific misconduct that skewed the data used to obtain approval from the FDA.


Your support will help to expose this and hold those responsible accountable. I am working hard to continue spreading the truth about the fraud and lies, as well as help provide a louder voice for the vaccine injured. Part of how I am doing this is by attending conferences and meeting with as many advocacy groups as possible to raise awareness and collaborate with other physicians, researchers and government officials. While some events have offered to assist with my travel, I've had to pay my own way for most of them. I will keep doing this as long as I can, but this is where any support you can provide would be a tremendous help.


All donations go directly to covering expenses to attend these events, as well as help the vaccine injured in need get the proper support and care. 


Thank you for those that have already offered their support. I will never forget it.

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